ROCKY ANDERSON: Proven leadership for the city we deserve.

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Contribution Disclaimer:

Salt Lake City Ordinance requires that our campaign obtain the mailing address of each contributor.

Salt Lake City Code 2.46.050(H) provides that it is unlawful for any person with a contract with Salt Lake City or seeking a contract with Salt Lake City to donate to candidates for Salt Lake City office. If you think this might apply to you, please click here to learn more before submitting your donation.

Salt Lake City Code 2.46.070 states no person shall make a contribution in the name of another person or make a contribution with another person's funds in his or her own name, and no personal campaign committee or political committee shall knowingly accept any such contribution. (Ord. 15-07 § 4, 2007: Ord. 77-98 § 1, 1998)


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Let's bring about positive changes for the benefit of all who live and work in Salt Lake City and make it the community we all deserve!


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-Rocky Anderson